I'm sorry to tell you this decent music lovers, but this has happened; intrusion.
As you may know today's music is well.. music?. No, it's not it's the disgrace and insult that we decent music lovers so desperately feared would happen and it did. Now not only are they putting it all over the radio and making today's generation never fully experience proper, decent and the official music that once existed but they have now made a TV show, so now it's all over our TV screens.
They've remade legendary, classic and decent music and remade/turned it into teen drivel and by surrounding it with unwanted teen pregnancies, open gays with over expressive sexualities and a dumb teenager who has a crush on her teacher.
I pity the people who enjoy this and class it as "entertainment at it's best".
This truly is a show for dumb, naive and depressed teenagers, and I couldn't care less I just despise how they've mocked and ashamed proper music into the likes of today's society. That's what I hate. Despite all the different view points I probably would hate this show anyway.
A disgrace to music as well as television.

It's just the same.

This game is really really boring. I never did quite get into Street Fighter, and this just answers why. The characters are really boring, the fighting just looks too fake to be taken seriously. I would just much rather play Tekken - which is my favourite fighting game. Usually what I say when it comes to tedious games such as this I can usually only barely play it for a weekend, but this was such a lame game, I played it for not even an hour. I'd much rather talk about a better and worthy game, so if you don't mind...I'm now gonna go play a game that's fully worth my time and attention+ everything.

not as good as svu

like it says up there^^
this is nowhere near as good as svu, or ci.
I think this is the weakest out of the three, time for cancelling me thinks.
this is nowhere near as good as svu, or ci.
I think this is the weakest out of the three, time for cancelling me thinks.

Incredibly Boring

Calling a film 'boring' is such a complicated issue. It's never called boring, it's usually called tedious instead. I understand some may consider it a classic, but I do not. I think it was very boring, yes tedious, and most of all very overrated.
I was very eager to check it out because one of my favourite countries is Russia/Soviet Union, but sadly this film brought out the worst in the Russian Revolution. I'm glad to see it didn't make its way onto the IMDb 250, it doesn't for even a second deserve a place on there. Instead of watching this, I'd much rather read Animal Farm by George Orwell, for it's loosely based on the Russian Revolution and a damn site more interesting.
I have rated this a 2...It is indeed a rating this film deserves. Tediousness doesn't get a high mark from me. Don't waste your time: AVOID!! or watch at your peril.
I was very eager to check it out because one of my favourite countries is Russia/Soviet Union, but sadly this film brought out the worst in the Russian Revolution. I'm glad to see it didn't make its way onto the IMDb 250, it doesn't for even a second deserve a place on there. Instead of watching this, I'd much rather read Animal Farm by George Orwell, for it's loosely based on the Russian Revolution and a damn site more interesting.
I have rated this a 2...It is indeed a rating this film deserves. Tediousness doesn't get a high mark from me. Don't waste your time: AVOID!! or watch at your peril.

American Psycho review

Overrated. That mentions a few Serial Killers and everyone is interested, yes them people really did exist and did what you heard they did. But it's shameful that people only know about these people through a rude, loud mouth Welshman like Christian Bale dancing to Phil Collins, sorry but if that's how you people hear about your history then. You are dumb. Simple as.
All around I was very disappointed, it wasn't as good as I thought it'd be, that's all.
All around I was very disappointed, it wasn't as good as I thought it'd be, that's all.

Ridiculous and boring

I'm reviewing this film without a thought about Vladimir Nabokov's novel, for I don't think it's necessary to even bring it up as I'm reviewing the film, not to mention the remake of it...Plus I haven't read the book fully, so I can't judge it, yet. But if it's anything like this crap, then it won't be a nice judgement, that's for sure...
Excuse me, but I have to ask: Why would anyone want to watch a film about a promiscuous 14 year old girl, a old man and inappropriate sexual relationships. You people are disgusting if you in any way enjoyed this rubbish. You should definitely be ashamed of yourselves. As far as I got into the book, I can't say I'm really impressed so far, I guess it's just not my type of book, I have better taste you could say. But literature is something completely different to cinema, and in some cases, some books just aren't meant to be turned into films. Making a visual of this garbage is just utterly appalling. This film is boring. I don't get what's so great about Lolita. Oohh what a rebel you are for pretending to like a crappy film about paedophilia. How cool and "different" are you now, I bet you have great taste in films. Yes, that was sarcasm, I know - it's the lowest form of wit, but you can't come out with anything witty when your talking about this crap. Even Kubrik's one I dislike and found boring, but not as much because at least Kubrick can direct. Plus, he realised and accepted that it was a big big failure, and was just crap. Therefore I have a lot of respect for the man. Anyway, just avoid this, but if you feel the need to see Kubrick's version, then fine, but only watch it to complete his filmography, not because you're actually entertained by this sort of rubbish. Paedophilia in the movies should not exist.
Excuse me, but I have to ask: Why would anyone want to watch a film about a promiscuous 14 year old girl, a old man and inappropriate sexual relationships. You people are disgusting if you in any way enjoyed this rubbish. You should definitely be ashamed of yourselves. As far as I got into the book, I can't say I'm really impressed so far, I guess it's just not my type of book, I have better taste you could say. But literature is something completely different to cinema, and in some cases, some books just aren't meant to be turned into films. Making a visual of this garbage is just utterly appalling. This film is boring. I don't get what's so great about Lolita. Oohh what a rebel you are for pretending to like a crappy film about paedophilia. How cool and "different" are you now, I bet you have great taste in films. Yes, that was sarcasm, I know - it's the lowest form of wit, but you can't come out with anything witty when your talking about this crap. Even Kubrik's one I dislike and found boring, but not as much because at least Kubrick can direct. Plus, he realised and accepted that it was a big big failure, and was just crap. Therefore I have a lot of respect for the man. Anyway, just avoid this, but if you feel the need to see Kubrick's version, then fine, but only watch it to complete his filmography, not because you're actually entertained by this sort of rubbish. Paedophilia in the movies should not exist.

Only liked because of De Niro

If Robert De Niro wasn't in this movie no one could give 2 craps about it. This movie is an all new low for De Niro just as much as them focker movies starring that twit Ben Stiller. This film barley reaches the title of an average film it sucks, but then again so does New York anyway.

American Pie Presents: Another shitty sequel

Ok I'm going to admit something here..I could just cope with the first American Pie movie, but they're all pretty shit, but this one is just awful, it's basically just an excuse to bring up the topic of sex. How pathetic, how anyone could watch this and find it a masterpiece, then they need help. Professional help.

Art house bullshit.

I have seen two Ingmar Bergman films so far, this and 'The Seventh Seal'. I found the Seal to be really overrated and terribly dated. But, I found this the worst, it's so irritating, the actors and the everything just everything. Bergman tried so hard to be different it became painfully funny. His attempts of "being different" were a repeated conversation by showing the different sides of people's faces!?, how is that talented or unique... I don't think so. I think he's just a really overrated director. I'm really happy he never won an Oscar, he may have been nominated, but, he was never Oscar worthy. And one of the main things that annoys me about this movie is that Liv Ullman is best know for her part in this movie, she's also known to be an amazing actress by well a certain few anyway, yet she doesn't even speak in the film, at least mediocre actors take the trouble of speaking in a movie, that's all. Overrated, terrible acting and silly attempts at being unique: LoL. So, it's a real shame Bergman produced this crap, his first attempts though at film making I think were his best, and I suggest you check them out, because that was before he knew he could pass things like this off, and get the same amount of critical acclaim, yet his earlier films are not really that bad, but still you can feel the 'artsie' within his every film. I suggest you avoid this pretentious rubbish.
As it seems, this will only appeal to artsies who believe their superior to everyone else. This film is rubbish, if you don't think so, well I'll put it this way: Stop thinking this bullshit is in any way "Art", for it's not. It's just some Swedish guy who make a fair amount of money because he lied saying this was art...I don't think so. This is utter pretentious bullcrap, just like 2001 - another film artsies just LOVE! I'll say it once more: This is not art, art would be the painting Girl With a Pearl Earring, not this artsy fartsy rubbish. I highly suggest you avoid this crap, and have dignity in yourself. You'll thank me later...
Also this film irritated me throughout. He tried so desperately to be different it was funny, and irritating of course. So I must say, I think this has to be his worst film, there were parts in The Seventh Seal I liked, but it was certainly no 'masterpiece', that's for sure.
As it seems, this will only appeal to artsies who believe their superior to everyone else. This film is rubbish, if you don't think so, well I'll put it this way: Stop thinking this bullshit is in any way "Art", for it's not. It's just some Swedish guy who make a fair amount of money because he lied saying this was art...I don't think so. This is utter pretentious bullcrap, just like 2001 - another film artsies just LOVE! I'll say it once more: This is not art, art would be the painting Girl With a Pearl Earring, not this artsy fartsy rubbish. I highly suggest you avoid this crap, and have dignity in yourself. You'll thank me later...
Also this film irritated me throughout. He tried so desperately to be different it was funny, and irritating of course. So I must say, I think this has to be his worst film, there were parts in The Seventh Seal I liked, but it was certainly no 'masterpiece', that's for sure.


It's about death, so don't laugh...oops, too late.
It's very dull. I can sort of see why people would enjoy it, but I personally find it vastly overrated, like much of Ingmaer Bergman films. I'm not keen on these dull movies, especially since it's including a game of chess. Although this isn't anywhere near as bad as Persona, it still remains an overrated movie to me. It more looked like a mediocre kindergarten play. People dressed up in a really silly looking devil costume jumping of Swedish cliffs...it's not great stuff. There's more to Sweden than Ingmar Bergman.
It's very dull. I can sort of see why people would enjoy it, but I personally find it vastly overrated, like much of Ingmaer Bergman films. I'm not keen on these dull movies, especially since it's including a game of chess. Although this isn't anywhere near as bad as Persona, it still remains an overrated movie to me. It more looked like a mediocre kindergarten play. People dressed up in a really silly looking devil costume jumping of Swedish cliffs...it's not great stuff. There's more to Sweden than Ingmar Bergman.