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Candy & Hanks!

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 12:13 (A review of Splash (1984))

For what it's worth, it isn't bad. I usually can't stand mawkish films. Let alone a 'Romance' film, but this wasn't too bad, after all, the legendary John Candy is here, Tom Hanks too! That woman from Blade Runner, and put it all together and it ain't all that bad. I would call it a 'time-passer' which is my way of saying, it's just to pass time more than anything, but in the end, it wasn't an awful film. It didn't make me 'Laugh out Loud' though, but it was more of a sweet film. Oh, wait I hate those too! Doh! So, it really goes to show, you can make exceptions for pretty much anything.

Btw, you have to admit, Hanks looks like a pimp in that poster!

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Mrs. Doubtfire review

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 12:09 (A review of Mrs. Doubtfire)

Before I watched this all I was thinking was that it was going to be really stupid. I was totally wrong, I really liked this movie, it's surrounded by silliness I know, but it had a really important message to it, directed at adults and children and that's what I really liked about it. It wasn't just about the thrill to see a man dressed up as a woman, and so I really liked it. I can't believe its rating on IMDb...I'm very disappointed and saddened.

I think Robin Williams it a pretty solid actor, he can be very versatile, that's for sure. He's had some big hits, but I preferred this to most of them. Yes, that includes: Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting and only just Hook.

One of the main things I liked about this film was the great ending; it wasn't predictable and clichéd like most of these types of films are. The parents did not get back together in the end, which is a real turn around, very different indeed. William's is great at accents, eccentric? maybe, but what actors aren't?!

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Bring It Off

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 11:41 (A review of Bring It On)

I'm not proud of myself for watching this, but it just happened...

My complaints on this film don't really ever stop, but I've lowered it as much as one can: Terrible Acting - Kirsten Dunst isn't an awful actress, but she's not great at all, she was okay in Spider Man and whatever else she was in, except them god awful chick flicks. Adequate in Wimbledon, I suggest watching it you haven't, although it may not be great, it's better than this pap. The Annoying Cast, Oh my goodness, these bloody screechy american skanks never shut up. Hoenestly, if I lived in American, my ear-drums would be obliterated.

Pathetic Story, what a stupid and utter waste of my time. A film about 'cheerleading' says it all, really. And I can't belive this has comedy under it?! It was also really cheesy and predictable, just boring. Smothered in dumb teen jokes and thinking ability, this film is a compete stereotype in a film. Avoid.

Oh, but there was one "good" thing:...I learned to avoid cheer leading, the sequels and anything starring Kirsten Dunst.

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What Do You Think!?

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 11:32 (A review of Katy Perry: Part of Me)

The only reason it came to me actually watching this crap was because it was on a TV and people were literally, getting into it. What the hell?!

All this film is about is how talentless Katy Perry got famous because of her huge boobs, not because she had any actual talent. When will dumb little kids and teenagers learn that this woman is no good. She's just an utter waste of space. She's just eye candy, and personally, I wouldn't even call her that, I find her a highly unattractive woman. And I think she should simply be thrown in a volcano and forgotten about.

If parents and people in general consider this woman a 'role model' then I don't even know why we have foster homes for.

A disgusting film about a disgusting woman. Avoid like a Christian does church.


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What the hell is this?!

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 11:25 (A review of The Jungle Book 2)

Okay, so, let me get this straight. Some greedy people wanted to make this ghastly sequel from a Disney classic? Why?

The first one wasn't awful, but there was absolutely no need to go ahead and do this. What a disgrace. The fact that it's got nothing to do with the original, says it all, really. This crappy film only exists because of money. Money is destroying classic films. It's not because they want to modernise it, no, it's because to keep their wallets full. And that's it.

You shouldn't have to 'modernize' things anyway, but still, these greedy people are quite happy to just ruin children's memories, just so they can make some measly money. Such a disgrace.

I bet good ol' Walt is rolling in his grave. Not knowing how much Disney has been trashed over the years.

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Boring and Predictable

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 11:17 (A review of Ghost Ship)

Waste of time, it's just how you would expect it to be: Weird things happened on a ship and some people get killed and then they finally find ghosts are on the boat and the ending is an uninteresting twist. Just like all Horror films.

To put it shortly, don't bother. The only bit that got me slightly interested was the opening, that's it, and the opening foolishly convinced be to carry on watching. Instead, I suggest watching classic Horror films such as The Thing - Now that's a proper horror. Take my advice and don't bother with this crap.

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I sorta liked this?!

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 10:52 (A review of Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island)

Scooby Doo always brings back memories. I remember watching the original 1960's Scooby Doo Where are you?, and occasionally still do. It's much better than what's New Scooby Doo - A dire and abysmal TV show, that's an insult to the original.

But on this actual film, well, who am I kidding, I didn't exactly LOVE it, but for what it's worth it ain't that bad. Of course it's much better then them ghastly Scooby-Doo real-life one in 2002, you know, when they go to Zombie Island, and Mr. Bean is there and that. Pfff, what rubbish. No. I prefer this, really. Yes, It's not great, but it brings back memories, and not nasty ones. I can still remember watching this when I was much younger and thinking it was great. Yeah, well, that was back then. Still, it's okay. But, would I recommend it? Absolutely not. Although I won't go out of my way to stop you from seeing it. After all, it's only just for kids and that's it.

Some parts of this film were, slightly creepy, but of course not really now, but I'm sure children will enjoy it. And compare this to some of the recent ghastly Scooby Doo films, and this isn't anywhere near as bad.

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There's worse stuff out there!

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 10:40 (A review of Mr. Bean's Holiday)

I wouldn't say this was a really really bad film. No, it wasn't brilliant. But, I've seen much worse, believe it or not. I agree that Bean was more worse than this. I think it just depends on whether you like Mr. Bean or not...I personally can't say I do, he gets annoying and boring eventually.

The only funny parts in this film was the part when Willem Dafoe shows up, and because he's usually a very serious actor and so fourth, the film basically takes the piss out of him, and it's quite funny, to be honest. And, yes, the plot is a little hazy, but like I said, I've seen much worse. France looked nice though.

It's not a film I'd watch again, but if I was bored, and it was the only thing about, then sure, I might watch it. And of course I wouldn't recommend, after all, it's just a film for kids. So, if you don't like Mr. Bean then yes, it would be wise to avoid this at all costs.

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Battle Royale (2000) review

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 21 January 2013 10:13 (A review of Battle Royale (2000))

Over the top in some parts, but it's highly enjoyable.

I had this film recommended to me around a few years back, and getting a few snippets of what it was all about, I can't exactly say I was in a great deal of a rush to watch it, but all in good time it seems...as this turned out to be one of my favourite films I've watched so far. I can't really say I was ever that fussed with all these psycho Japanese kids that go around killing everyone, so the film sounded like a big cliché: In a way, I was right, but in another way, I was very wrong. One of the the things I got wrong was that I immediately thought I wouldn't like this film, yeah, I thought maybe a few bits of cool violence here and there, but I've seen it all before, nothing new I though...corr was I wrong as hell. There's different types of violence. I'm not going to lie, I do like my gruesome and wicked violence, but I hate the sexual violence though, it basically just sickens me, and I don't find it entertaining, cool, interesting. I find it the complete opposite. Sexual Violence is just a poor excuse to 'shock' and impress easily pleased and simple-minded baffoons. It's a disgusting way to attempt to entertain people. It's basically sick and unneeded. Oh, but that's enough of my rant, as this film was completely free from all that rubbish: Yippee!! Instead we had non-stop entertaining "clean" violence. This film, was just a real pleasure to watch. And I will never forget the day I first watched it. The moment it finished, I had already recommended this superb film to over 3 people - all of which enjoyed it.

So, Overall, I do really like this film, and 'like' is a total understatement, when my vocabulary expands, then I'll replace that word in an instant. Going on the fact that I've recommended this film to no end of people, clearly proves by what I mean when I say "It's a superb, exciting, entertaining and masterful film". And it truly, truly is.

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Match of the Day review

Posted : 12 years, 1 month ago on 20 January 2013 08:28 (A review of Match of the Day )

This is a British television programme that shows the highlights of recent Football games. First of all, I just want to say that: Gary Lineker has got to be one of the worst TV presenters ever. I believe that a TV presenter should, at the very least, be interesting. He never shows any enthusiasm whatsoever. The only thing that he provides for the show are his elephant like ears, but at least elephants aren't wasting my time and a very likeable animals. Lineker is just an irritating snob. Sometimes the talks can be interesting, but sometime, and you know what I'll rephrase that: the vast majority of it is boring as a whole. This show has being going on way to long. Okay, fine Britain, you don't want to ever have a cancelled show on your records, fine, but stop the airing in Australia, please. The BBC has seriously run its course.

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